Saturday 5 October 2019

The Heart Space

So yes the ego went crazy for a bit and this blog is brought to you by a scheduling bot. Forget the humanity behind putting pen to paper and know that even in a word of instant access when I'm reading this right here. Right now I'm somewhere else doing something else, thinking a different thought. You see the authenticity trap is really especially when it comes to the consistently inconsistent. Doe instant access media even begin to capture that moment when you suddenly have to stop what you're doing and post something. or the horror of when you have to get up and literally capture your life. Are we slaves. I often wonder and then I consider the other options. Like having to be anybody other than myself. What The Actual Fuck. We might even consider that modern torture. Then taking the picks and the #blessed becomes all too clear and option. Fuck the system. Have we fallen into another system? You do know AI is real? 

Then your brain implodes a wee bit and the ear wax seems to have got a bot goes and you wonder how much these aha moments actually impact on your neuroplasticity as you try to figure out where scheduling your posts leave on the 1 to 10 scale of authenticity cause you know I'm sure someone out there is judging me. 

Then I think of the Vegan activists. I'm judging them. Then I think of Extinction Rebellion. I'm condemning them. I'd really rather you didn't get all up in my face about our impending doom. Buttercups and unicorn shit anyone. Ewww it's got biodegradable glitter...

And I veer off-topic. 

I started with the idea of The Heart Space. I know you can see it now all flower crowns, crystals and green jumpers. If I listened to my heart and zoned in on my heart chakra I might have nothing to write. though it sure does feel good to be there. All enlightenment, abundance and bliss. Let's face it though most of us are all up in our head about it. Something, everything, whatever that is. It's part of the reason that we are able to write so much. Should we be considering a frequency more? Do you want me to slow down? Stop drinking coffee? Just breath. That is for just after the article. The long breath into the next thought that seeps into my brain out of either. Am I channelling are being from other realms communicating with me. Is the unicorn I imagine cuddling real? All questions for another post. So the heart chakra, think of your dog, think of your favourite cuddly toy or even cuddly person. Put your heart on to your chest and dare to feel. Then imagine the flower crown and a field of wildflowers and the low golden light of a late summer day. Then you are in the heart space. 

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