I've been holding this thought in my head way too long about Elon Musk. I wanted to write about it almost immediately after it turned out he was working 100 hour weeks. That he had been sleeping on the Tesla Factory floor or some shit. That he almost missed his brother's wedding. I read some of those articles and still yet did not feel qualified to give my opinion based on hearsay.
What struck me about these articles (that I haven't referenced) is that it all sounded very familiar. I was thinking about the Pretoria paradigm in all this. Capitalism is a totally accepted and embraced norm. Calvanistic religious abuse almost ensures that for the traditional white Afrikaans South African that you will get your reward in heaven. That aspiring to more than your career and a family seemed to be an astounding act of stupidity of questionable ethics. Socialism is a bad word and well Margaret Thatcher was a god among men for breaking the unions. Nature, the environment and climate change were noting more than unicorns set to deter people from the idea that making moany was good at all costs. So well their perspective is all fucked. They love the NHS hate the welfare state and wonder how you could every support the idea of benefit scroungers. You've got to work for everything you got and then lie down and accept that the sate can steal anything and everythign from you. Oh fucking well. It's supposed to be a society built on the merit and morality of relgion. It's one based on fear, all fire and brimstone. I've even been to church service where a minster slags off another minister for not being the real word of god. Word fucking up. That's quite something.
So really it's not so much about Toxic Masculinity as is about the environs that create it. Religious abuse combined with the capitlist system. How potestantism far from providing liberation from the Catholic church left religion at the whims of industialists. Religon built on the approval of wealthy landowners with factories where you could work for redemption. What a pile of wank and yet so many of us still buy it hook line and sinker.
Your worth is all built on your ability to provide as a man. Your only value is what you can provide as a man. They don't care about woment ot much cause well their pretty much helpless without them. Ok so that me done my trite poorly written insight into Elon Musk and toxic masculinity without know if he was every subjected to Pretorian Afrikaans ideologies.
The thing is though. Is that these articles were written like it wasn't normal like the USA doesn't work people like slaves, that we view humans and robots and forget their humanity. This is the world that we live in and this is why the start of the wellbeing economy is crucial.
On that note what was great to see and has not been covered anywhere near enough is that Tesla has unlocked all the tesla car patents in the fight against climate change. Which actually astounds me. Has somebody finally got it? Have they figured out that climate change is the biggest fucking threat to our collective futures? Yup it's fucking true we might just turn this shit around. He's hoping he'll probably need to do and out reach project to his home town, where only a few years ago talking about personal carbon footprints was considered to be a martian language along with sooooo many other things.
I have been continuing my radical transformation about the idea that we don't need permission we are fully autonomous being that have the right to all the insight we have and to share them and yet sometimes, form fear of an imaginary backa lash I don't wirtine and instead roll thing round in my head for six montha and it's deeply annoying nevermind time consuming and well waisting an opportunity and miss the relevance. Every morning I should get up and write. Every morning I should make shit happen.