Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Stop Looking

LOL, man, I'm fucking splitting my sides at myself today. As I have been royally hooked by Brexit I swore it wouldn't happen and now I've found myself headlong in on the drama. It's a joke all of it. A fucking clusterburach. I just couldn't help myself and then the Guardian updates keep coming and the ping ping ping of the mobile phone is making you want more of that crack. Remember your diet is everything that you consume. Politics, especially British politics, it is a dark art that few should meddle in.

Build the future the way you want. Sidestep what you can, choose your battles wisely make sure you have consensus before you start and do your best to stay healthy and supported when trying to take down a giant or out fox a fox. Think happy thoughts. Be excited about your future. Know that there is a better way and you are going to find it. Just for you. Only you, just in the beginning just for now. We create our own reality. 

UK Influencer - Not

Apparently Britain will be losing global influence after Brexit. What a surprise. Why would that be? It's time's like these that I want to swear about the Tory party and give old school labour a good talking too. That I have re-runs of the highly insulting and patronising conversations that I have had witht the British People (of whihc I am one) completley berate me for the way I speak or even think. Then I htink of those kinds of people electing the MP's we have. And then I laugh my tits off. Because lets face it if you have ever expereinced a spiritual quest you'll know the lesson is repeated until it is learned. Most of the time with bigger and bigger consequences as we go. Even if they themselves don't learn you can bet some money it might change the minds of the people that vote for them. Which is hilarious. It's beautiful witnessing radical transformation take place in the shape of a country. The UK is right now that seed that's to destroying itself to grow. It isn't soo much that we are ending the age of capitialism, it may be far more that we are ending the age of industry and modern feudalism along with it.  Are millenials trying to tell us something?

Then I listen to Tom Watson and Jeremy Corbyn on the yeterday's labour split. And I felt absoulutely hartened by it and actually thought that the Labour party had come a very very long way. In fact it was kind of incredible. When I watched Jeremey Corbyn I think that I finally understood the game plan. And that Tom Watson had finally caught up to spead,  in fact I thought it was a brilliant act of leadership. I saw what many of us had been hoping for and in fact I think the splitters have just outsourced themselves out fo job. What I now saw was that Jeremy Corbyn has been making incredibly difficult decisions his whole political career that he has always acted with concious. What is clear is that the press hate him and no matter what he does he is going to be berated. At this very momnet in time it also get me to think about the quality of the mental health of the people who write these daily articles. That the first thing that comes to mind is the blame game. That it's you. You fucked up. You're fucking embarissing me. THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED. I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THIS. Why put it in capitals? Cause we are all fucking clickbait. We are all fodder for fire and we are actively co-creating every fucking single thing on the planet. What is the the article read  GREAT JOB!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! CORBYN GIVES CLEAR LEADERSHIP! Stood on stage that was all about New Enterprise and Local Manufacturing. I would have thought that would have been right up a bunch of centerists alley. I would have thought they lived for that stuff? Unless of course they don't fully understand the agenda? or unless of course the accusations are indeed correct that there is large scale antisemitism within the party. Yes I'm saying something differently. And attempting not to be cynical of both parties. Think what you click though.

Monday, 18 February 2019

The Life Of Brian & The Labour Party

First of all, I am writing what is in my head with absolutely no point of reference other than the live feed on The Guardian.  7 Labour MP's have just resigned over anti-Semitism and the left wing of government being, well, too left wing. I wonder what their parents think? If they've even consulted them or wondered if they really care about the greater good. Or more rather serving their own agenda. There also very confident that they'll get elected on their own merits next time around. I very much doubt it and am looking forward to their constituents feedback even as we speak. I wonder if the answer might just be - I voted Labour. It wasn't a personality test I was betting on you to save the future of this country by using the anything but Tory loophole that you seem to be blithely unaware of. FFS. It's a wonder really how people can get to out of line with what they really think. And then on the other hand how fucked up it can be to try and condone something that you can't condone. Like any true Scot, I love a good schism.

Though I'm not quite sure what that is? They say it's anti-semitism. Which makes me laugh not least at The Guardian themselves. I think it's fair to say that Jeremy Corbyn is a peace lover that has always acted with conscious. Who spoken and intervened endlessly on behalf of the Palestinian people. Who The Guardian has to my knowledge largely supported over the decade I've been following their reportage on the situation. Now ever since Jeremy Corbyn has been elected it seems that an anti-Semitic campaign has been launched against him from what was a pro-Palestinian paper. What changed I wonder? Isn't it strange how this was never a problem before in the Labour party? Or is it possible that politician elected to represent our country simply have no real understanding of the Middle East conflict at that be pro-Palestine is not the same as being anti-Semitic? Given that the recently appointed Minister for Northern Ireland had no knowledge of Northern Ireland it has to be assumed that everything is possible. Maybe the seven just didn't like the long meeting about really important things. Like climate change, the disenfranchised North rather than how they could monetise their political career (I'm sure there are life coaches that could help them with that, try click funnels). There is absolutely no need to break up a political party).  It pays to be clever about these things. Maybe they should have had a meeting with Peter Mandelson about how best to proceed. I'm sure Toni would have obliged them with a meeting for sure. Shit, maybe that's it....? Guess who's back? Back again.....? Is he going to pull a Winston?

To be clear I'm not a Labour fan, I have voted for them in the past (yes you guessed it I voted for Toni). Then I watched as 100,000 people were completely ignored on the streets of Glasgow. Look where it's got us? The UK are we more divided than ever? It's hard to know writing as a Scot abroad.  I remember the plan to reinvigorate the Labour movement being touted by Trade Unionist as far back as 2011. I didn't believe it was advisable. Now I have to admit they've managed it. It would appear that once again we have a truly left-wing party in the UK. Hold fast boys and girls. Speak love to one another. Always look on the bright side of life.


Friday, 15 February 2019

Cape Town Water Challenge

So this is that moment when you realise that you are a bit shit at what you do and that in fact, you have to question; are you really doing what you say you're going to do while avoiding the obvious and figuring out that you might have failed yourself? This is as much a blog about anxiety as it as about water in Cape Town. I mean for fuck sake, seriously try living in a disaster zone.

So today (yes today) I started writing another blog post that highlighted the Cape Town Water Challenge (it makes it sound like some reality T.V show). The reason that I am writing Cape Town Water Challenge is as much as trying to get a grip on some runaway language that may be better explained in this The Life Doula blog.  On the other hand, crisis can also mean opportunity. The Cape Town Water Opportunity? How wild does that sound? Maybe your beginning to understand the complexities of  Cape Town during what was the 2018 water situation. As we try to breath deeper into conscious consumption and water wisdom. 

The big news of my lived experience is lost, subsumed, in all the opinions of what everyone's take on the matter was and well getting married. I failed to record my lived experience except for a few random posts on Facebook. Where you're not really writing about what you're supposed to be writing about when you live in the first modern city that might actually run out of water. We didn't. Have lessons been learned? Not really. The language change and vibrational energy with which we approach any problem is as much as most of us learned. We have to embody the feels of abundance in order to co-create change in any situation. Now today there are many people here in Cape Town that believe that the water crisis has been averted by way of collective prayer. Get your head round that? These peeps aren't even religious. Yes, there was a lot of collective prayers and blessings. And just like kids with shiny toys, we drop one thing when it's lost its sparkle and head right on over to the next. 

So what was that lived experience like? Well, guys there just wasn't enough water. Literally. our daily limit was 50 litres. Which sounds a lot when you are only thinking about drinking the stuff. There is so much more to it than that. There are dishes and laundry, washing ourselves and other chores. 1 load of water took you right over your daily limit it a jiffy. We had water planning charts. We had to hand flush the toilets with water from the bath. We had to limit what clothes and sheets we washed. We had to plan what we wear and wear clothes until they were physically dirty. We only washed extensively when we began to smell ourselves. Many people (especially women) went weeks without washing their hair. Me included. It was wild. In fact, some people cut their hair off.  

Many of us weren't very water wise at all some people saved no water. Kept their pools topped up, their gardens water. They were all the ones that panic bought water. It was full on. There were massive talks about desalination plants (turning salt water into drinking water). There was also a whole load of criticism about the water dams and reservoirs that were supposedly all created in the wrong spaces. Many people also talked a lot about closed loop water systems. How we could manage our wastewater better. That was all until somebody brought up typhoid and cholera water-born diseases that were still common if water was left to untreated. A toddler even drowned in a water-saving tank. There were conversations about the wasted fresh water the flowed out under our city and into the sea without every being utilised and how old victorian infrastructures had stayed in place long after they were known to be useful. There was fresh water in Cape Town we just couldn't get to it. Which dug up a lot of feeling about colonialism, the history of Cape Town as a Khoi San gathering place. With its real name being "The Place Where The Rain Clouds Gather".  The rain clouds continued to gather. There was water in Cape Town. All the queues to the natural spring were long. People watch your water consumption like it measured your self worth or value to the collective. And all the time the water was running under our feet. It was time for change. I believe it is coming.
Cape town is actively committing hydrocide in the Place of Sweet Water. Place of Sweet Water.

Elon Musk Toxic Masculinity & Climate Futures

I've been holding this thought in my head way too long about Elon Musk. I wanted to write about it almost immediately after it turned out he was working 100 hour weeks. That he had been sleeping on the Tesla Factory floor or some shit. That he almost missed his brother's wedding. I read some of those articles and still yet did not feel qualified to give my opinion based on hearsay. 

What struck me about these articles (that I haven't referenced) is that it all sounded very familiar. I was thinking about the Pretoria paradigm in all this. Capitalism is a totally accepted and embraced norm. Calvanistic religious abuse almost ensures that for the traditional white Afrikaans South African that you will get your reward in heaven. That aspiring to more than your career and a family seemed to be an astounding act of stupidity of questionable ethics. Socialism is a bad word and well Margaret Thatcher was a god among men for breaking the unions. Nature, the environment and climate change were noting more than unicorns set to deter people from the idea that making moany was good at all costs. So well their perspective is all fucked. They love the NHS hate the welfare state and wonder how you could every support the idea of benefit scroungers. You've got to work for everything you got and then lie down and accept that the sate can steal anything and everythign from you. Oh fucking well. It's supposed to be a society built on the merit and morality of relgion. It's one based on fear, all fire and brimstone. I've even been to church service where a minster slags off another minister for not being the real word of god. Word fucking up. That's quite something. 

So really it's not so much about Toxic Masculinity as is about the environs that create it. Religious abuse combined with the capitlist system. How potestantism far from providing liberation from the Catholic church left religion at the whims of industialists. Religon built on the approval of wealthy landowners with factories where you could work for redemption. What a pile of wank and yet so many of us still buy it hook line and sinker. 

Your worth is all built on your ability to provide as a man. Your only value is what you can provide as a man. They don't care about woment ot much cause well their pretty much helpless without them. Ok so that me done my trite poorly written insight into Elon Musk and toxic masculinity without know if he was every subjected to Pretorian Afrikaans ideologies.  

The thing is though. Is that these articles were written like it wasn't normal like the USA doesn't work people like slaves, that we view humans and robots and forget their humanity. This is the world that we live in and this is why the start of the wellbeing economy is crucial. 

On that note what was great to see and has not been covered anywhere near enough is that Tesla has unlocked all the tesla car patents in the fight against climate change.  Which actually astounds me. Has somebody finally got it? Have they figured out that climate change is the biggest fucking threat to our collective futures? Yup it's fucking true we might just turn this shit around. He's hoping he'll probably need to do and out reach project to his home town, where only a few years ago talking about personal carbon footprints was considered to be a martian language along with sooooo many other things.

I have been continuing my radical transformation about the idea that we don't need permission we are fully autonomous being that have the right to all the insight we have and to share them and yet sometimes, form fear of an imaginary backa lash I don't wirtine and instead roll thing round in my head for six montha and it's deeply annoying nevermind time consuming and well waisting an opportunity and miss the relevance. Every morning I should get up and write. Every morning I should make shit happen.