Saturday 16 June 2018

Moving Backwards Moving Forwards

I got up this afternoon, yes in the afternoon quickly perused Facebook, played some candycrush and thought that I better just get down to writing after having gone over a 50 zillion things in my head with no real resolution. It's a strange place for me to be I haven't woken up with a dialogue running in my head for years. Now I'm really beginning to understand trauma and it's impacts. Only a few years ago I remember sitting round having conversations about bad date, stressful work days and actually all that family drama, that we seem to carry round with us. When one of us would desperately state that they were traumatised. Then we would listen more intently and try our very best to get to the core of the problem. The things is.....that even then though we might have blurted it out as reality - which it was we didn't really know what that meant. Traumatised. We didn't know the symptoms or the impact we just knew we had been deeply disturbed by what had happened, no matter how trivial and we were now having to work our way slowly unpicking things. Now as I myself am reliving trauma I'm now beginning to get a very clear picture of what it is about. Reliving the same moment, the panic, the helplessness the flash backs and well that's a lot for any one person to deal with. What I am learning to find out is that there is a lot to be grateful for. Really is that true? I'm finding out that trauma is layered and the layers of trauma are all interconnected. So as we peel back one layers we slowly find the links and the cellular systems that hold them all together. The great news is. I am assured!!!! That trauma can be healed.

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