Sunday 22 June 2008

Compromises in Catholosism

Umm well, The day started at 7.20 am with the alarm going off on my mobile phone, that I had left on the wooden window sill in the downstairs living room. All though I could not hear the actually alarm ringing I could hear the juddering vibration of the electronic implement with it's high pitched and persistent rumbling. It was a long time before it's sustained fit would end. I was not getting out of bed, though persecuted myself for a short time for not leaving this object on a softer surface. You can't win them all and it is Sunday. Later and what seemed a rather short time later I was visited by my mother, who jumped on to my bed exclaiming "what shall we do today?" clapping her hands and rubbing them together. I replied "I don't know. What shall we do today?". Mother not being one for a fight than rather gruffly yet in the sweetest possible way said "I asked you first". Then I suggested mass. I vaguely remember her wandering off to have a bath. So there it was.

Being essentially lazy we'd missed Mass in our own parish. However I think both of us were evasively aware that we wouldn't be seen dead at church in our own village. Not because we didn't like the village church, but more we didn't like being reminded that we were no longer villagers but engulfed in the suburbia of Greenock, a town we didn't agree to live in.

Mass was pushed and eventually a compromise was struck. Mother would go to the antiques fayre in Kelvin Hall, while I attended Mass at St Samuel's and we'd meet up after. It was/is raining today and as mother had question last night "Do you think the Scottish summer has arrived?" I didn't answer. So from a Polish delicatessen yesterday to Polish Mass today. I have to say more than likely Mass in English can be pretty good, though it does tend to be dependant on a good priest. If you listen closely enough there is always something relatively ponderous to go away with whether you agree with it or not, and generally people are nice to you when you are at church. St. Samuel's was packed there must have been three hundred strong in there. It was impressive. Though a Mass in Polish was not. I mean maybe I am looking for a quick fix but a whole hour seems a bit excessive. The woman next to me acknowledge my predicament at the 'peace be with you part' by saying rather confidently and in English "peace be with you". It appeared a great social event for the Pols to meet up at, maybe go for a coffee after, that kind of thing. Before everybody gets really uppity about the Eastern European immigrant thing, as far as I understand St Samuel's has always been a Polish church. I think even built by Pols at the turn of the century. So there you go. Eggs Bendict for breakfast and some tea lovely.

Spoke to Brendan today, hes good off on more international adventures after spending some time with Mum back up in Liverpool. Jamie's been working hard on the whole Falmouth Wharves Blog thing so all in all a good day. Not necessarily a day of rest though.

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