Sunday 15 September 2019

Moon Bathing

I've been feeling a little disconnected lately as I have been deep diving into my computer in order to refine, define and monetise my life. Yes, I finally got there. That it's important that I get paid for all I do. Well, not everything and yet a lot of it. So I've finally figured out how to do that without having to get out there on the line every day. It sounds so up myself and yet maybe I just have to accept that I am really good at what I do, that I have been confused for a very long time about the nature of my work and now as a result of the internet and advancement in technologies I seem to be able to finally put together a business strategy that works for me. It has to be said though I've been having to hustle. Which is a space I'm really not used to? What does that mean? Well, it means that I've been pushing myself a little bit farther than most of the time and yet at the same time it feels like flow. Right now it's Sunday and I am here typing at the digital coal face. As a way of clearing my mind as well carving a path forward wondering what I am actually able to maintain and if the end result of what I think I can achieve is in any way sustainable. Interesting concept I know and yet it feels like I am almost there. In fact, I feel like I am forever almost there. 

That the minute I manage to add in another layer of what I do I seem to end throwing everything else off it's quite a thing actually. That this is so not the point of the strategy. That we should be doing what we can, rather than pushing to breaking point. In the meantime, all the things that are truly important like moon bathing seem to be lost. Right now I think it's all about systems.  Apparently, you have to learn how to make money in your sleep or you'll always be poor. (Just to be clear I don't necessarily agree with this) But now more then ever it seems like a distinct possibility. And I've been thinking about it long and hard for a substantial amount of time. How do we creat the perfect Life/Work balance? How do we get in harmony with the moon? How do we do the work we love without negatively impacting others. How can we live, travel and explore without imposing who we are on others? Right now these last few weeks feel like a powerful period in my life. Where everything and nothing are about to change.  Where even though you are not making time for it the world seems to be manifesting everything you need and bringing you into flow state.  

It's these moment when you realise that everything is possible. That the National Animal Of Scotland, the unicorn acts as inspiration to us all. That mythical creatures must be real and we a creating the imaginary. That often we are able to swim into the dreams we ache for with very little work if we just let the universe guide us. 

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