Thursday 15 January 2009

Gaza and the Red Cross

Today what happened today? Strangest thing was that I was up before 10 o'clock to attend a return to work meeting in Truro. It feels wrong to admit tit but the meeting was actually helpful inspiring and confidence building. Yes your taxes are paying for something worth while and you didn't even know it. This week has been not so hard as I though it would be with my £10 situation mainly form lots of food donations, some cooked, some not cooked. However here I am alive and sustained for at least the next few days. Not only that, I've had a lot of herbal tea today as a result of that meeting.

The last week has involved a few interesting or should I say challenging events, mainly and the most recurring is the fuse blowing on the boats quayside plug. Luckily it's not been pissing down with rain any of the times it's blown. It has struck me as a little odd how often the fuse has blown this week as Wayne and I have been using exactly the same volume of electricity over the last few weeks. I suspect that our next boat neighbour is lying to us about his electricity consumption. Either way it's just meant that Wayne and I have been drinking a lot more tea together so as not to blow the fuse boiling two kettle simultaneously.

Last Friday I got involved in a 'Gaza Vigil' that was organised by Mole (Paul) and Dom. The vigil that was held on Saturday was a real success and we managed to raise £148.97 for the Red Cross' Disaster Fund; Thanks everybody who donated. That was my main role really blagging some Red Cross donation buckets and haranguing the general public for money; very skillfully I might add. Dom took the opportunity to feather his bed with the Mayor of Penryn 'Mary May'. Is the race now officially on for the Penryn Councillor position, that we have both applied for? This week we are holding another event this time to celebrate Bush's eviction from the presidential office, thank god. There will be lots of shoe throwing I'm sure at some kind of effigy of the great president. We will still be collecting money for the Red Cross who have now opened a Gaza appeal. So if your about and you've read this it would be great to see you there between 10am & 12 on Falmouth Moor.

Slowly but surely I'm beginning to get my shit sorted, which is probably best reflected in the lists in my diary, as well as the odd notes reflecting the passage time and inconsequential events, accept of course to me.

My Christmas romance has ended, as yet another man has left me for the far corners of the planet, hey hum. I certainly know how to pick them, except this one was really really nice and that's all I'm going to say about that. Though I will be accepting sympathy in the form of cake and any offers to use washing machines and tumble dryers.

What else to say. I still haven't bought any oars and I haven't replaced the oar/s that I lost of Wayne's. I'm not being a very good girl, but then who can afford new oars on £10 a week.
I have now been signed off for a further two months which means I will have spent an entire year on the sick! Is that something to be proud of? Could it be classed as and achievement? Some people might considered it one, I'm just not sure if I've actually had a rest yet.......

Must go I've left Ian in Fynn's looking after some Red Cross donation buckets.

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