Sunday 3 June 2018


So once again I find myself putting things off. I'm writing blog post instead of getting deep down and dirty with what I'm supposed to be doing. Dharma. I'm on a quest to find it. It's harder to figure out how than you might imagine and understand now why discipline is so important. Lost in my own mind I can miss the basics. Trying to get ahead wondering what my vibrational energy is doing. I need to write affirmations and stick them to my wall and I am still trying to figure out how to set up my personal Facebook page to get the most out of it. How am I going to get the most our of it. It's all a littler crazy isn't it curating your life online. Deciding what people see and what they shouldn't see. Now I disciplined do we get about that? How rigid do we have to be with ourselves to create the perfect Facebook post day after day? You see the thing is, is it authentic? Is it real? Are we running after a bullshit story that we are all highly functional, super organised people living beautiful lives. Hmmm.

Instagram cracks me up, especially with the Cape Town angle everyday people post the same picture from a different angle of there amazing uplifting experience hiking the slopes of Table Mountain. It's a 7th Wonder of the Natural World and it is wonderous for sure. Most of the people in the pictures are white. A startling amount of the people in the photographs are white. Yet these are sacred places of the Khoi San. Where are they? They are still here in Cape Town. Yet there are no pictures of them in their sacred spaces. Few people are interested to find out more about the indigenous people of Cape Town and there is little on show in cultural institutions to explain some of the oldest peoples on Earth. It's incredibly sad. Clearly there are issues of representation playing out on the internet. We all know this, that we only get info from the same people popping up over and over again in our Facebook feed. Personally I curate things I follow the things I like. I don't just say yes to it all. I don't want all that information hitting me every morning.

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