Monday 25 June 2018


Today I woke up with the word discourse in my head. I don't think it has been there for a very long time and I am wondering.....what the hell it means in relations to social media. It's very interesting. It case you not sure what discourse it is the themes that we go to in political debate. What that got to do with Social Media well everything, with our without knowing it is political. What happens on social media and for me right now trying to understand Instagram is very interesting. It like a lifestyle magazine, rather than a powerful political too....maybe that is what twitter is for. Hmmm. It the arts we often talks about changing discourse it's kind of interesting and incredible dull. In my experience want you have to talk about changing the conversation on personal level it usually implies the conversation is dead or that that person is not making any new roads of insight. I don't think Instagram has to change the discourse I just think that it can be used in a far more interesting way, than it is currently largely being utilised.

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