Thursday, 31 May 2018

Predatory Men On Facebook

Wow so this is a thing. Which I don't want to get distracted by. However it very interesting. It's not something that I have ever had much of an issue. However every since starting up using my Facebook to kick start my business. I now get daily friend request from guys that have no connection to me whatsoever. I wonder why I am getting suggested to them an how much the Facbook algorythm has to do with it?  The literally have nothing to say to me, the second or third question is - 'Are you married?' They are probably wanking over my wedding photos right now. It's creepy, yet fascinating. Just now I accepted a friend request from this guy and when I checked his friends (in the very high 4000s) almost all of them were women. More then slightly disturbing, right? On the other had though I don't want to be  discriminating.  Maybe he runs a modelling agency? Hey-ho just putting it out there and interested to figure out if anybody else is in the same boat and what strategies you use.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Tensions Rising

Hmmmm well another day another blog post and I am fighting off larger procrastination with a blog post. All of a sudden there is an ardent desire to get things sorted. Lay life flat on the ground, get back to day zero and stop the incessant buzzing in my head. To many ideas to many words to much of the to do list whizzing round on the big projects and I think back to Dom Allen and his punk list for getting things done. Which largely just said if you haven't done anything about it for over a week it isn't important. 

Yet here I stand with a lot of projects some of them very near completion. I suppose it's true the last ten yards of a race are the hardest. In the spirit of self-nurturance. I'm loving myself through it stating my case impressed that I have made it as far as I have and yet Wonder why it is that I divert my energies at the final hurdle. It's and interesting thing to consider. Finding Dharma it's my theme. It's my thing. Recently I've begun to think about things a lot differently. Rolling over the decision that I have made about my life and to be honest what has made it quite so remarkable. And it is. I think my life is fascinating and I wonder what it is that has lead me on such an extreme route to my dharma. Also I wonder what it is that had lead me to want to create and inform on such an intense level and why it has taken me so many years to realise what that works load is. 

Now more then ever I am fascinated by the 'average' person and I wonder what it is that inspires them to hold down a daily routine and a resulting life long career. It's incredible. I think about the people I went to school, college and university with and I imagine where they are now. I have always liked the idea of plodding. I've always liked the idea of stability. I wonder why all the thoughts in my head?

I was never happy with tow weeks holidays. I always wanted wilder adventure. An adventurous life. That fitted well outside the realms of normal. What can I say - I got one. It leads me to think back to a conversation that took place over 10 years ago. Kimberley - Of course you are and artist. 

I studied The History of Modern Art and Design. I hated it. The institution that stamped my degree I consider to be not much more than capitalist scum. Hmm - There's some personal development work for you. What I am grateful for though. Is that in some way I found my tribe. It's a hard thing to explain to outsiders looking in. We think that creating art is all about paint brushes and marble. Wielding bit of clay or even telling a story. It is so much more than that. So much more than the finished piece on a exhibit wall. It really is toil. It's life being forced to examine itself in human form. It's secret missions, inner demons and calling that do go away. It's like a letter from Hogwarts that you can't run away from. Artist don't fit in. They refuse the calling of their nature is far stronger than the constriction of humanity. We make because we are compelled to do so. It is beyond us to stop. Broke, bankrupt and broken we carry on, we have no other choice. It's such a privilege. Artists get to be themselves.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Yes Ireland

For the last few weeks I've been really enjoying my Irish friends getting Facebook posts about the Irish referendum on legalising abortion and revoking the eight amendment. The eight amendment acknowledges the right of an unborn child to life. Which for many of us on the other side of the Celtic Sea might find a challenging ethical position to understand or even undertake. I was raised a Catholic so it's an idea that I was brought up with. The abortion debate was widely discussed in at my Catholic high school. As a young people who had little say or no say in the religion that we were born into and thus in part educated by we endured a large amount of Catholic propaganda around the subject. Which even involved watching videos of abortions taking place. Yup it was pretty gross. For me personally there is no doubt that life begins at conception and as I understand most expectant mothers experience this to be true. There would have to be some very challenges circumstances surrounding around conception that would make me even consider having an abortion. This being said I completely support any woman's and all women's right to be able to choose, as i believe the detrimental impact of birthing an unwanted child can cause irrevocable damage for both the child and the mother.

I've been pleased to see that most of my friends that are able to vote, have been posting in favour of Yes and are men. You might be able to argue that this is highly advantageous to them. On the other hand it's hard to ignore the inhumanity of Ireland's current abortion laws. Which works as an almost complete ban unless of course there are serious medical issues at play. Further more with regard to this medical clause, it seems to take little or no care of the mental health issues that might be triggered or arise as a result of either being or raising an unwanted child.

More so though it's incredible that a whole nation should be able to have a say as to what happens within another persons body. It of course brings up massive feminist questions and debates surrounding womens rights. Which are far to large and cumbersome for me to engage with here.

What I will say though is given the impact that this referendum will have on the personal outcomes of countless women, children and families, it is hard to condone the application of a secret ballot here. If some one feels that they have the right to determine the course of two other peoples entire lives, they must also be willing to undertake the responsibility of that affliction on Irish society. This is so that every child is indeed wanted and is instantly placed within a community that is willing and actively involved in caring for children and mothers left in this situation.