Friday 18 July 2008

Warehouse woes

Cabin Fever has set in and Jamie has now opened my blog for me in an attempt for me to vent in a productive way. I had started to rant quite scarily at both Dom and Jamie, who had to; well not make excuses and just left. We or I were talking about a number of fascinating issues regarding Facebook as a digital anthropological system and written artwork (has it gone out of fashion?). Furthermore we were talking about husbands, borrowed husbands, rented husbands and marriage not being all it was cracked up to be. Further to this you can borrow other peoples babies without having to have one yourself. Men do not have the same goals as women because women are driven by a ticking biological clock. While men can still father children at 73 drop dead the next day, never really having to worry about the problem of child rearing at all. Emmett, Jeremy and Matt are all looking at a farm with outbuilding to buy, everyone pondered where Matt's money came from? Jamie concluded that he must have a reasonably well paid job. Further to this Jamie and Dom went on to discuss the possible success on the venture based on each contributers 'accepted' living standards. Outlining that Matt & partner were very messy and this was rather curious as partner was a cleaner. Emmett was homely and clean, while Jeremy was anally retentive and this was not exclusive to cleanliness. I was concerned that should I be allowed to go live in the scheme that it may end up like 'Friends' with essentially three potential couples all living in close proximity to one another. Emmett and Matt already being hooked up I thought that I might end up with Jeremy. Jamie told me not to worry because in 'Friends' you end up swapping about a bit and you never end up with the person you start off with. So it was probably best to get it on with Jeremy as soon as possible. Furthermore Jeremy has got lots of money.

So now Jamie and Dom have disappeared after enjoying cups of coffee/ herbal tea and are now beavering away on there very own squirrelling productions as am I, I suppose. Well done Jamie.

Written art works. For a long time now I've been very interested in mapping my or more every bodies global relationships - kinda like six degree of separation. I've also been interested in how to map 'the intimacy of relationships' like met, acquaintances, friends, true friends, loved and loved the best. See I've thought about it enough to make six headers already. So the artwork would be lists and can you remember everybody you ever met? Are you allowed to describe them or do you have to use names? How does the passage of time affect the categorisation of relationships know to knew. That's a funny one in terms of language. It demonstrates early on that human intimacy is susceptible to time and personal growth. Allowing people to grow apart. At eight we are friends forever by 15 we have moved on. How much do people change and grow over the course of a lifetime? How do we truly grow apart. These are my questions.

Chris is setting up for Suzanne Vega tonight. I'm suppose to met Brendan Byrne in the Star in eight minutes. So I can have a bath. I need to pack a bag, find some sugar and go to the toilet. I'll correct the spelling and possibly finish this properly later. I'll thank Jamie before I go. Five minutes...........

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