Saturday 5 July 2008

Shamanic Party

I don't think I'm suppose to really write about this at all but considering my last couple of blogs about Catholicism it might be important to mention it. Black magic, shamanism, paganism, witchcraft, whatever you want to call it there is alot of it in Cornwall. I'm not judgmental about it. I'm curious about alot of spiritual paths, but not judgemental.

Hmmm except I am very judgemental about people overall. No matter what my emotional and psychological state might be I know a good person from a bad person and am acutely aware of those I will never get on with. Overall and this is a biggy I have a huge problem with southern English women. This is of course a generalism and does not apply to all. However southern English women are a little known entity within my social circles. As a rule they tend to instantaneously make me cringe. This is difficult as I do in fact live in Cornwall. Not English but definitely dominated by the English, very very difficult. Of course I might have got this whole train of thought wrong. Here's the thing. I'm honest, blunt and at times damn right abrupt and rude, if I feel the need. I love playing devil advocate. I do not suffer fools gladly, though can play the best fool of all, to the unsuspecting. So I'm not going to say anymore than on that.

'A loving person lives in a loving world a hostile person lives in a hostile world'. Hippie bullshitters that pretend to care about other people's shit generally can not deal with it. Casting people out comes from fear not from love and therefor what people seek if they are not prepared to love is selfishness. Whats more they lose the ability to receive love by not giving any. Or maybe it's all just a bad acid trip and to many drugs to no the difference between real and not real. If you now what I'm saying.

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