Saturday 5 July 2008


yes badgers, I saw some they were cute and wild. That is mean to say that I didn't see them in the zoo. I've waited along time to see a badger and last night I saw three. Lucky old me. I'd seen one once before but i was driving and it was suck in front of me as I drove down a rather narrow Cornish lane with no exit, even fro a badger. So I just watched it's rather wide behind bolt down the lane in front of me until it found an exit gate. Today I'm in St Mawes, I'm visiting Chris's brother who lives here, in a very nice house with very nice views. it's windy and cold and it's summer, that's about all you need to know really.

Coming back to Cornwall I feel like times played a trick on me. You see I though I'd left but it would appear that someone just pressed the pause button briefly and has now pressed play again. Everything was as it was and I still haven't resigned from my job at the Greenbank, which means essentially I'm avoiding the place. That's it everyone is how they were. Time ticked on and we are all still the same people with the same relationships. Isn't that funny. I wonder what we'll get up to this evening. I'm working today and by that I mean writing lots of stuff with no pay. Nigel's computer is very nice and here is very relaxing, I like it. Tonight I hope to go out, bump into some people and have fun. Maybe I'll see you there.

I did find soemthing more profound to say after my last post but I didn't get round to it already, so I've mental noted it and it will come out sometime later. I hope this is satifactory.

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