The first thing that you need to know is that the roads are relatively like ours flat and maintained, it just the the loose card and the rubbish that finds itself deposited in the main flow of traffic that might spin you out a little, then there is the the sporadic stream of people walking along the hard shoulder or embankment of the highway and the fact that they will actually cross it on foot. You wouldn't catch me doing that and the only time I ever have found myself on the highway was when I've either broken down or found myself accidentally deposited there from a badly communicated hitch. So much like any motorway in the uk we can only imagine that the highway acts as an geographical barrier that prevents the natural movement of people on foot and it's not even cutting through the heart of a city, well not form what I can see.
Airports, motorways and shopping centres always look the same no matter what the continent or the culture, thus far in my experience. That's mainly what I've seen in the last few days except the road to Mordor better known as Secunda, a town that grew up to support a coal fueled power station. That might do well from a visit from Erin Brochovich.
Thunderstorms. The thunder lasts all night with lightning that covers the sky like an old lady's varicose veins. In the day time the lightning is purpley red and in the night time they are as you would expect mainly blue, sometimes they spread across the sky without touching the ground, and when they make contact close by the thunder cracks with the power to make your eardrums vibrate and your eyes become quite literally blinded by the light. It's hard to believe that the beginnings of humanity started and survived here with the daily threat of electrical violence, although mainly harmless the thunder and lighting give this place and alien hostility that I'm not used to.
I'm not sure what I was expecting from the South African's in terms of integration as of yet I have seen absolutely no evidence of racial tension, except that Denver one of Victor's work mates got some stitches in his head after being hit over the head with a pool cue.
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