It's been raining on an off all day..........more importantly I started with that line on this particular blog very early on in the month and have not yet got round to finishing it. It tell you exactly where I was when I started this little excerpt of my life. I was in Number 20 and Dan was pouring the drinks and I was not buying them. I left the bar in hurry realising it was later than I thought being 6pm, also believing that I would get back to completing the blog at some point sooner that this. It is MAy tomorrow, my blog is turning into the annoynomous deadline that I always fail to meet in the rest of my life. The deadline being the passage of time and the fact we very rarely mange to capture it, if at all. Tomorrow is May, next month it will be June and if your lucky you might get one entry for the whole month.
Shit loads has happened. Still noone follows my blog on it's actual site http// Please take a look. Please follow even though I do not, if you know what I mean. So what's happened in the life of Kimberley in a month. I haven't even read the last post to see where we left off. Let me just check.............
I've checked yes a lot has happened. Now I've got to read my diary 13th of March until now ......bear with me. Is this blog about diarising my life? Lets find some highlights........
Ok well the best bit so far is that I threw up twice in two days for no clear reason both were spontanious and in the middle of the night, once was in somebody elses house. I should be more embarased but that but I'm not. It was strange cause I wasn't even ill during the day. How weird just in the night spontaniously. Hmm well there we have it. Have you got any strange sick stories that you'd like to share? I had to wash the balnket cause I was sick on it too. Bummer, then I couldn't get to sleep.
Next day I was fit as a fiddle down at the boatyard helping Claude on 'Samara'. The whole actual work thing kinda took it's toll Had to pack it in before one I had gained a headache, though had supported Claude in the removal of the window in order to fibreglass the cracks back together two years on, oh yes I like to achieve in my life. Oh and Dom cooked me breakfast porridge with sultanas and butter in it (Scottish people now response is nessecary, though will be noted), He thsn got me to feed Ella while he went to the toilet. I love Dom's style.
Made an interesting connection on my quadruple booked March 19th with fuck knows how many birthday bashes to attend. Anyway four made the final cut mainly because they were in the same place and including one who was my estranged husband if not officially. That is close to the moor. Had dinner with Lizzi and friends in Prezzo, then made my way to Bar Eight for a re-performance of Martyns & Maria's birthday with Angie as an add on. Good dancing shame about the floor space and the price of the cocktails. The homemade lemonade was delicious and reasonable. The next night was on filled with love at Miss Peapods seeing 'Voices of the Seven Thunders' a gig put on by 'Lono', Brendan, Martin and Chris were there along with Tim and quite a few others. it was good to see Keith of the 'Hush Arbours' again to relay his story about his grandfather being "kicked in the head by a horse in '76 and lost the farm the next year". Yes a lovely evening, went to a party at Beth & Dave's and Martin stayed over. It was really good to see Martin hadn't sen him in ages, along with Brendan who all stopped by my house for a little drink to. Chris. Martin and I all had breakfast the next the morning it was great.
Reuse, recycle meeting went well. A local councillor actually stated the=at the happiness of the populaton was actually more important that Gross National Product. Shocker.......
i'm going to finish this tomorrow i havne't even got to the good bit yet.........Izzi is calling
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