Saturday, 21 March 2009

It's all very exciting

I was very proud of myself yesterday for cycling up to B&Q, Prudence (my bike)and I are geting along swimmingly now that the good weather is here, living without a car is getting more and more managable to. I had to go to B&Q to get some rat poison, which I have laid out, at the moment it would appear the rat has not been back, though I am still a little anxious about sleeping on the boat tonight.

Today has been a good day. Despite the fact that I woke up in Alice and Andy's house after whiteing (how would you spell it?). After returning from the Marston's via Moles place, I had the most fantastic sensation walking down to Miss Peapods and the boat. The sun was out it was a beautiful day, nobody had a jacket on. The granite sparkled on the top of the quay and as I walked along I went all tingly with excitement. I re-affirmed the fact I live here, I live here. It was that feeling you get on holiday when you see something amazing like the beach or a castle or just something you have to go discover and explore. All I wanted to do was run to it like i'd never been there or as if I hadn't been home for years when you drive a little bit faster with the anticipation. That was a good feeling.

Maurice turned up on the quay shortly afer and we had a little chat and watched a school of really large grey mullet bathing in the sun. It reminded me of being in Dubrovnik, everyone was chatty, smiley and happy.I sat out on deck with the laptop and catched up on a few things. Three very positive thing happened as a result of this Magnus had contacted me about getting involved with 'the source'(very very exciting) and he would happily be my co-presenter on Monday and I found that the £700+ that had unexpectedly appeared in my bank account on Friday morning was actually mine curtousy of the Department of Work and Pensions, happy doesn't cover it. I was bounding up the side of the quay to go and share my ecstasy with someone, anyone when Mole appeared pushing his bicycle.

Mole and I went for a bike ride over to Swanpool and then walked further to Arthurs beach that I'd never been to. I've fallen in love with it and I'm really glad I went there. Ever since I cam to Falmouth I've hated the beaches because ther are artificial. Yes that is correct artificial all the sand there has been being dumped since around about the 1920's and every year they dump more on in the early hours of the morning. This includes Gyllingvase, Sawanpool and Maenporth, not sure about Castle. It's always driven me crazy because you just can't feel grounded to the place. For me it's kinda like going to lie on the grass and finding out it's plastic. Our geographical environment has such an impact on us pscologically, I just can't even begin to tell you, well at least on me. So beacaue of this I have really failed to engage with beach life in general. So I feel I've got some part of my life back because it's a real place, tangable, it's probably quite abstract for other people to understand but it was very important to me today.

Positive things and I'm going to be bold here. I think the shit storm is finally over.

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