Monday 4 August 2008

A momentous week

Hmmmmm I though I was doing quite well with this, until I checked the date of my last post. Anyways............. I'm stoned so whole lot of hurberly burbelly might come out. So Lee the ex-soldier type friend of Martin's is screamming this song al about btrayal next door. Which probably takes me into the entire events of the last two years. So this song is talking to me (if you know whta I mean)

Well so there you have it, its been a fucked up couple of years. All sorts of situations from lovers leaving me on one way tickets to New Zealand. To fairly intense car crashes, that totalled both of my cars. Shit jobs, shit people and some absolutley cracking individals.

re-discoverying Falmouth has been both great, intense and exceptionally challenging. From the 'In crowd' boaties, bad hippies, beourgouse pretenders with to much cash to spare "the squatocracy" and some extremely gifted creastive and out there people. who wouldn't relish it and all in one town.

What can you do. The mager news is that I am now the proud owner of a 28ft yacht. It is finally here I have bought and coverted my freedom. My very own boathole and home with no ties, except for the ropes. From now on it is pretty much plane sailing. Do up the boat work out what I want to do with my life. And then do it. It's exquiste I couldn't be happier. And it's all thanks to mainly a Mr. Dougie Rowe.

What else can I say I hope to see you soon.

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