I got sucked in again and it wasn't my fault. It was that petition. The "Revoke article 50 and stay in the EU". Yup that one, it's been doing to rounds. I even spammed people even though I live in another country, I'm still a British citizen. Then I got hooked. I got pulled in watching to number counter like it was a Blue Peter charity fundraiser. Then I found the map and that was fascinating too. I wonder what it told us about the UK and Northern Ireland. What areas were staunchly pro-Europe or staunchly activated or even possibly better educated (if that's a thing). Wood Green, Brighton, Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh bled dark red. Like unhealed pinpricks. The dark red pinpricks still, only, representative of 23% support of the constituency. Is this reflective? And what of? Internet access? Motivation? A clear understanding of the way forward. I thought about that and haven't come to any conclusions as what it might be about these "university towns" that would warrant the signing of these petition. Is it all that youth looking to forever enjoy summers in Europe, the adventure of open borders? Or was it something else? All those foreign students also looking to remain? The pale yellow areas are where you might expect the disenfranchised north and a wee bit of wales with less than 3%. In these situations, it may sadly and truly be internet access.
What I will say though is that the middle class have always confused me. Honestly, I'm not sure that I'll ever really understand what they're all about beyond mortgages, the importance of university education and skiing holiday. Yup, that's how I define you. I wonder about the way the disenfranchised and poverty feel about Brexit. Probably a big waste of money and who the fuck cares about Brexit when you haven't got food on the table. Sometimes I feel that Brexit is as much a class issue as anything else. And then perversely that the poorest and richest seem to have sided with one another. Like victim consciousness has taken hold in the face of a relentless oppressor. It's hardly surprising, is it? Trauma is at the root of everything. These evil Tories determined to tear the country apart to keep hold of a mirage of old power and those unable to see the value in trying to make a difference. It's a sorry state of affairs. For the most part, I'm still remain. Though I understand the bureaucratical difficulties of Europe and it's economic systems. I value freedom of movement and it's benefitted me far more than any long-winded conversations about the pros and cons of a cumbersome political system. There are always mistakes, blunders and inadequacies in any given system. Let's face it the world is changing rapidly and the startling popularity of this petition and it's uptake is a testament to that as much as any. It's about to break the six million mark. Democracy is changing. The truth of the matter is that being in Europe has made my life better, though I still don't fully understand fishing quotas, amazing progress is still possible.
Then I just checked out the petitions list and was amazed by its astounding bias.......what also amazes me is the potentiality for disruptors to totally fuck the system taking environmental issues to the top of the list. Good luck to them. Now the parliament is actually in charge of government and wondering how long it will actually be to true direct democracy without Facebook interference. Then that makes me laugh too cause it's not like we haven't been living with the Daily Mail for over a century.......