I am surprisingly quite proud of my last post, war was predicted and again nearly a year has gone by on this my sporadically maintained blog. More fantastical ideas have been sprouted none posted to this page. Instead in the digitally expanding invisible world this here macbook and it's documents files. Trump is still in power and my dis-engage button is still on. I'm finally (I feel like finally has featured a lot in the blog) building my own roadshow, the vanity project, the self-indulgent self-speak made public. Slinding towards forty sure does seem to help and well where was I last year. Fuck once again you couldn't write it and well I haven't had time to or the inclination. At least in the public realm. I can make my lists of haven't's (not a word) when I should have been marking my lists for haves.....
Oh My Fuck the haves...... (I just realised)
Have got engaged.
Have an amazing Fiance
Have got a great engagement story
Have got two great engagement rings (Yes two)
Have set the date for our wedding.
Have an incredibly generous, kind and caring mother
Have booked a wedding venue
Have sent out Save The Dates
Have amazing friends old and new, far and wide
Have new websites for other stuff
Have worked on Outlander 3
Have slowly been building my own business
Have resided one more year in the spectacular city of Cape Town
Have a visa to stay in South Africa for another 3 years
Have money in the bank
Have a roof over my head
Have a home in an interesting and diverse suburb.
Have the ability to support and help others
And much much more...........
Is this worthy of a blog post..... I wonder, it's been a big year. Whoop whoop, you see it is possible to be happy during times of global crisis. Help who you can where you can.
Oh My Fuck the haves...... (I just realised)
Have got engaged.
Have an amazing Fiance
Have got a great engagement story
Have got two great engagement rings (Yes two)
Have set the date for our wedding.
Have an incredibly generous, kind and caring mother
Have booked a wedding venue
Have sent out Save The Dates
Have amazing friends old and new, far and wide
Have new websites for other stuff
Have worked on Outlander 3
Have slowly been building my own business
Have resided one more year in the spectacular city of Cape Town
Have a visa to stay in South Africa for another 3 years
Have money in the bank
Have a roof over my head
Have a home in an interesting and diverse suburb.
Have the ability to support and help others
And much much more...........
Is this worthy of a blog post..... I wonder, it's been a big year. Whoop whoop, you see it is possible to be happy during times of global crisis. Help who you can where you can.