Monday, 14 November 2016


Let's be alarmist. Let's hit the big red button and assume a nuclear arsenal will be released in our life time and maybe even in the next fours years. Bye bye Scotland, not that you did anything to deserve it. I think we've paid the price and more for the Darien scheme 300 hundred years on. It's big picture stuff here.

Donald Trump has been elected and I really can't say that I am surprised. I read the media fall out much with the dismay that I have witnessed the media build up. Who could possibly vote for Trump it's fucking hilarious. He's fucking hilarious. Is this a joke? Lets deride him completely and total. Let's de-humanise his choices  his statements. Actually he probably doesn't qualify to be human. Listen to yourself. A human who doesn't qualify to be human. He's got mental health issues he's a narcissist, he's even been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder with out a psychiatrist even having had a conversation with him. WTF. Yet he is the one with the problem.

Hillary who's she we suddenly decided to try and find out about four weeks ago. When Michelle Obama was making headlines on her behalf. Only after Bernie endorsed Hillary and everyone had got over #feelingthebern We pretty quickly brushed that under the carpet? That Bernie won the popular vote of the Democratic nominations which ended undemocratically.

So here we are. The rise of the right. The rise of fascism. It's always been here, our facebook bubble has protected us from it. Our choice of pub has blinded us to it. We walk away and deride those that disagree with us. Rather than trying to understand. Rather than engage. Rather than unpick the media propaganda that many of us have known to lies for years. We had the privilege of university education, well informed parents or teachers. Or simply the intelligence to interpret the hypocrisy or pick out the smell of shit. We all know that the people in power tell bold face lies all the time, everyday, on TV, in parliament and everything. Not Bernie though, not Jeremy and not Nicola much either. Very happy to get feedback on this though.

Then the reason I get angry and actually maybe for the first time I can remember in a long time is that I have hit the disengage button. This doesn't have the emotional power that it might have for other and I think back a long way back. Those that know me know where I'm heading......Thatcher.

I've become a Guardian reader. (Who's advert to promote Free and Independent press quadrupled in size today. Fearless journalism?) I didn't start there. It started with the Telegraph. What? The Greenock Telegraph. Largely completed derided by my parents, bought for photographs of weans and wedding couples. The local newspaper was always a mockery, the Herald was a little too parochial and The Guardian is meant to be the last bastion of the the Free Press because it's such a great paper. Fuck Off would you. All the Guardian ever does is trounce out hate speech of the less understanding and super cool travel blogs of intelligent Brits of to interpret the US, with a holier than though attitude not much better than a 19th century missionary. I shit you not. Occasionally someone might dare to head north to speak to the natives and take bleak pictures of post industrial towns. That being said it's coverage of Scotland has greatly improved post-referendum. After all who want to read the BBC daily murder page, that appears to represent all of Scottish news. I wonder what the editorial guidelines are on that one. In the meantime it's all about the arts darling, rare synths and obscure cultural icons, for no other reason than to elevate the discerning tastes of a bored culture vulture on a lazy Sunday.

In the meantime Ken Loach has released another classic social commentary of the dismantling of the welfare state and of course Trainspotting 2. It's just like old times. At least Scotland isn't quite so shit anymore we do have a parliament. We do have a rock star of a woman leader. We still have free higher education. Baby boxes are on their way. We have had chance at independence.

Change is possible. Believe it. Be it.