New Years's that
going. So you wiped the slate clean started a new and it was all
going swimmingly, until you had few to many visitor and social
obligations. My/Our New Years Resolution was to keep the house super
clean and cut out refined sugar.
Christmas is a feast and as Scottish girl I thoroughly believe that it was invented as a means of midwinter survival. I believe that back in the day you couldn't store fresh food that long and at the appropriate time everybody agreed to come out of hibernation to share what food remains and to eat it all before it begins to rot. Doing this in the middle of winter ensured that everyone has enough body fat to burn to make it to spring. It is in essence a celebration of communal life and healthy co-dependency.
Last week I managed to sort out my desk
and this week I've got a new filing system together. The dishes are
done and the washed clothes are still waiting in a pile to be folded,
next to a selection of wares we don't need and should sell, give away
or maybe burn (we aren't going to burn it). Who can be tidy when
there is work in progress?
January is a tough month, in the
northern hemisphere cabin fever begins to take hold and the Christmas
hangover can be reeling with colds and other ailments manifest while
you bravely attempt the to do list. Southern hemisphere your
wondering where your holiday went and in both spheres you can bet
your last dollar you've spent it before the next pay day is due. Here
in February we are still paying the price for all the good fun we
were having. You deserve all the fun, food and laughter you can get.
You worked hard for it and you enjoyed it. Now you are doing what you
have to do and reigning in the spending. You're an adult that is
what you do.
Christmas is a feast and as Scottish girl I thoroughly believe that it was invented as a means of midwinter survival. I believe that back in the day you couldn't store fresh food that long and at the appropriate time everybody agreed to come out of hibernation to share what food remains and to eat it all before it begins to rot. Doing this in the middle of winter ensured that everyone has enough body fat to burn to make it to spring. It is in essence a celebration of communal life and healthy co-dependency.
So use this time now to prepare for the
spring, when you are ready to hunt, plant and harvest. Think about
what you want to grow, how and where you want to grow it and most
importantly who you want to share it with when it's all done for
another year.
It's time to make way for something