Monday, 4 January 2016

The Life Doula: We Can All Begin Again

 So it's the first working day of the New Year 2016 and if you haven't heard it already Happy New Year. The great news is (and as is always recited many many times if you've celebrated a good Scottish Hogmany) that you can start over, begin afresh, change your mind, change your attitude and if your feeling in a radical mood, run away and start over completely anew. That may sound drastic. However for many this may not be a bad idea, after all. New Years resolutions are often about getting rid of toxins, maybe it's alcohol for a few days or months, maybe it's sugar; for some people it's toxic relationships, even with ourselves.

I've been keeping this blog since 2008. The name comes from my affection for spiral bound notebooks and in fact spiral bound diaries. I've got tens of them stacked up from over the years. The reason I like them so much is that they can expand and contract. You can rip pages out, add pages in and create your own story or documentation as and how you like it. All without having to start at page 1 and make no mistakes all the way to the end, getting everything in the right order. See even keeping a notebook can be exhausting, if you are expected to use it in a logical and systematic order. Saying that you might be entirely comfortable with that being a logical and systematic person.

Not me, my notebooks are filled with half written stories, reordered stories, incredible ideas and to do lists that should be easily compatible with a digital device. The problem is that's just not for me. I like to see the quality of my handwriting or the ink of a pen that has been long since lost or feel the weight and smell of a dis-guarded notebook.

This year I am embarking on a new journey to become and qualified Life Coach, naming myself as a Life Doula to provide a safe holistic service for my fellow humans to seek support from. Like everybody else caught in the human, Earth experience I'm working out what works for me. The things worth keeping and the things I need to change, get rid off or just not accumulate; both spiritual and material. So even though I'm entering a new chapter I'm keeping my old blog because some things hold true. I like who I was, I still like spiral bound notebooks. Today I bought not one but two spiral bound diaries to start of 2016 and well I like when my distilled or even wobbly ideas finally make it into this blog.

So what is your story? Old, new, revamped or vintage. Recycled or repurposed, new chapter or retold? Lessons learned? Love's lost? Frustrations mastered? Dreams realised? Fantasies lived? Your story, in your own order at your own time and pace, that's a worth while cause.....