Saturday, 24 March 2012 URL

Well fucked off with the situation on this and very much doubting that anyone is going to get back to me from google headquarters regarding this. Has Scotland got it's own .scot yet, is that available and if so where do we set up. With all the cuts is it possible to get this sorted out, who do I write to. We do have different laws after all. It could be a great campaign any body willing?

I'm sure I was going to write something else today about may the fact the Mr Cameron and the Tories are pretty thick and so are the people that vote for them.

Not only that I went other pretty dreadful Alias Hub Networking meeting last night. The night itself wasn't actually that bad but it was more as Rob Gawthrop put it the overt "rampant individualism". It dawned on my after my 24 hour delayed reaction button was pressed that actually most of the people there aren't fucking interested in community. There interested in how the fuck they can get a free space out of the town for their won vanity project. While going cap in hand to some emotionally redundant charity that has been set up for the community from the top down, employing people from upcountry to remain entirely inept and void of any social conscious or people are running charities completely unaware that within that they might want to have some beneficiaries. Does anybody see what I see.

Clearly I'm not Cornish but I truly am surprised that the haven't developed a syndrome of throwing themselves of cliffs or at the very least throwing some of these twats off. I mean what can I say, I'm surprised that I even have the energy to be angry at these blatant individualists. I actually am a bit disgusted that I went and spoke to these people. I mean you know you've got to get out of this place when you find yourself thinking 'Oh well fuck it it will look good on the cv" Speaker, Alias South West Networking event, looks like I might of done something worthy of note, when actually I haven't. Do you know what my main problem is I actually give a shit about the place that I live in when actually I should be thinking exclusively about myself.

I mean it's shocking isn't it. I was in Miss Peapods the other day and I know it's hardly the kind of place that you would expect to find a left wing radical and in walks Paul Chaney and Kenna or 'Field Club' who start slagging off 'The Cornwall Project' tell me how fucked up it is, that Ginny Button is once again holding all the purse strings along with Sara Black and Cornwall Council are lapping up there shite like they've actually got something to say. When actually they haven't, they don't know what's going on here and more than that if they do they don't even care. They will push on with their own agenda regardless, sapping government funds for their own ego consumed careerist project.

A few days later an email is sent out about the The Penzance Convention, that follows on from The Falmouth Convention and what do we find? The Field Club are leading a segment of the convention. I am going to attempt to give The Penzance Convention some credit by stating at least they got Camborne School of Mines on board. I also respect the depth of their hypocritical in there approach, as it must have taken quite a lot of careful planning and cajoling to find people able to work in that highly specialised way.

In other news 'Spark' a Socialist and Feminist Journal has been set up to start a fire and burn the whole of Tremough down, forcing people to integrate. That's not necessarily true, though it would be good if it could be made good.

So I must stop this rampantly individualistic ranting and get on with the common cause.

Sentence structure to follow.....

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Retrospective: It's been a while

Yes and who's to say what mediocre to majorative changes that have happened in my emotional landscape over the last six months. I realise now, that instead of writing this I should be down at Penryn dinghy park trying to find mooring/space/lot number 23 to discover if it is full/empty of another dinghy so that I might be able to provide mine with a stable and rewarding home free from torment. Which is decidedly funny as I decided to name the dinghy 'Sorrow'. Does that make you sad? I've always liked the name, it's taken from Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

Published 23/06/2018
Orignal Draft Date Lost - This is a Guesstimate.