Monday, 24 August 2009

The Price Of Cheap Food

In the summer of 2009 I assisted on sound on this wee film by Barry Cooper one of the lecturers as what is Falmouth University. I didn't kno then that he was a crazy mysogynist in fact possibly one of the first open misogynsits that I had ever met and he had actually just invited me alon as he wanted to get into my knickers.......I'm  slow learner.

Anyways I went on a wee day out and we ended up on this old school farm, I think somewhere out near Helston and had a great chat with the milk farmer there, who was originally from wales and actually from Glyanghock, which is my Grandmother's village what were the chances. When he moved to cornwall he told me he barely knew a word of Enlgish and no that he's an old man he barely new a world of welsh. An incredible thing to consider here in the UK. None of this is included in the short documentary.

It was a lovely day and the farmers wife had severl home e cakes and told me how to make clotting cream on hte top of the aga.
If you want to find out more about

The Price Of Cheap Food

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Nothing to report

Last night I managed to read the whole of 'Down and Out in Paris and London' in one sitting from 7pm through to 1am. I'm impressed, this is the girl that hasn't been able to read more than chapter in a book for well lets see, ages last years attempt was 'Old Man of the Sea'. which I achieved but anybody will tell you it's a very short and good book. While the year before that, in September I managed 'The Road'. I think my next aim for reeading is that I should read something cheerful books filed with the endless toil of mere survival arn't all that inspiring to one who may be techinically classed as homeless.

Today again it is the weekend and I find myself forlorn and in the library checking emails and finding out that time is still rapidly slipping away from me or even from us all. So serious, why so serious. I might head over the Redruth and check out what Dhyano is up to att he 'Melting Pot'.

Back in Falmouth my focus has slipped and I find myself sleeping as much as usual. I've got quite alot of stuff off the baot and looking through paper work I find that I still have a lot od Tim's entirely redundant documents which I still have, Why?

Flat huinitng is a little weird and makes me long for the simplicity of the North American rental market where all the white goods are inculded, you'd be amazed at how many flats I've seen don't even have cooker points. How weird and is expecting to have a bath and not just a shower room just expecting to much? All the students have started coming down in search of flatas the race is on. Maybe and add int he West Briton?

Yes so I was away i'm feeling better than I've felt in ages but there it is all those complications are waiting for you on your return but luckily life is getting simpler. it's the 1st of August and strangely I'm looking forward to September........